Monday, October 29, 2012

Another DesJarlais mistress steps forward

A second woman who says she had an affair with Rep. Scott DesJarlais (R-Tenn.) has come forward in an interview with the Chattanooga Times Free Press, saying it began when he was her doctor.

The Chattanooga Times Free Press is providing the women anonymity but they say they have verified her identity and she was listed as a "potential witness" in Desjarlais's ex-wife's divorce filing. The women also said Desjarlais smoked pot.

This is bad news.  Does it disqualify him from office?  No. Not in my book. It is kind of slimy and makes him less than the idea candidate, but I would still vote for a personally flawed conservative over a personally moral liberal. Legalizing abortion, bankrupting our country, and advancing an agenda that destroys our liberty is a greater sin than any personal transgressions.

The events happened fourteen years ago, while he was already separated from his wife. Dating a patient is a violation of a doctors ethics, but really is that such an ethical lapse?  It may be technically unethical, but there is no allegation he took advantage of venerable women. The smoking pot?  I don't care. I would bet that if the truth be known, most people of the baby boomer generation have smoked pot. We have a president who snorted coke and a previous president who smoked but says he didn't inhale. Smoking pot is no big deal.

The most troubling thing is the effort to talk a mistress into having an abortion. I am having a hard time buying his explanation of those events.  It sounds to me like he really was trying to talk a mistress who he assumed was pregnant into getting an abortion. Nevertheless, I am sure Scott Desjarlais will vote pro-life and that is more important.

Voters with conservative values should not let the fact that Scott Desjarlais has feet of clay lead them to voting for a Democrat who will vote against all of their values.  While we would want our legislators to be moral people and role models, we are voting for legislators; not choosing ministers.  If you are in DesJarlais district, please hold your nose and vote for him anyway.

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