Thursday, October 11, 2012

Bo Mitchell Refuses To Answer Who He Supports For President


TNGOP, NASHVILLE, TN – At a candidate forum Wednesday afternoon, Democrat State House candidate Bo Mitchell danced around a question from a voter about who he would be supporting for President this November. When it became evident that Mitchell would not give a straightforward answer, the voter pressed him further, but Mitchell still refused to give an answer.
“Apparently Bo Mitchell is more concerned about playing politics by skirting the issues than addressing a simple question,” said Tennessee Republican Party Executive Director Adam Nickas. “Bo Mitchell has no problem asking voters if they will vote for him in November, but when he is pressed by a concerned voter about who he will be supporting for President, he refuses to answer.”
Voters at the candidate forum were told they would be able to ask the candidates about issues important to them this election, but Mitchell refused to give voters direct answers. Mitchell claimed he would be supporting the candidate that “wants to move this country forward.” Interestingly, Mitchell’s comment mirrors President Obama’s 2012 campaign slogan of “Forward.”
“If Bo Mitchell thinks the policies of Barack Obama, which have resulted in 23 million Americans struggling for work, massive budget deficits, and new taxes from Obamacare, will move Tennessee ‘forward,’ then the voters in House District 50 deserve to know. Voters are eager for Bo Mitchell to come clean on a simple question- Who does he support for President?”
Video of Bo Mitchell dodging the voter’s question can be viewed HERE. Mitchell is running against Republican Charles Williamson in State House District 50, which includes portions of Davidson County.

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1 comment:

  1. Bo removed his like on facebook for Obama a few weeks ago
