Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Boston Herald gives Romeny ringing endorsement

The Boston Herald's endorsement is strong and unequivocal. Here are some excerpts:

Four years ago the voters put their faith in a man who offered vague promises of hope and change at a time when any change looked like a good idea and hope was in short supply. 

What this nation got in Barack Obama was a president who used an economic crisis to further his redistributionist agenda — and, not surprisingly, failed miserably at restoring American prosperity. Oh, he brought change all right — to a government-knows-best philosophy that has given us four years of high unemployment, higher gas prices, a $16 trillion deficit, and a job-killing regulatory environment.

.....this nation can’t afford four more years of Barack Obama, four more years of his divisive class warfare rhetoric, four more years of his Chicago-style eco-cronyism and four more years of an administration that will lie and obfuscate — even about the death of a U.S. ambassador — to save its sorry hide.
During the last four years the world has become a more dangerous place. We can’t afford four more years of a leadership vacuum.
 To read the entire editorial follow this link

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