Monday, October 22, 2012

Brad Staats challenges Jim Cooper to debate

Brad Staats today announced that he is inviting Rep. Jim Cooper (D), Nashville to join him in a discussion of the issues on the Steve Gill Show. “Jim Cooper has flown under the policy radar for too long and it is time for him to surface and defend his liberal voting record,” said Staats. “Jim is out of touch with the people of the 5th District and they need to know how far left he is of their principles.”

Cooper has represented the 5th District for XX terms and has never faced a serious challenge since replacing Bob Clement. Staats continued, “Though called the “Jackson District” for former President Andrew Jackson, Jackson would not recognize the policy positions of Jim Cooper as being anyway related to his political heritage. Jackson was a fierce policy Conservative, being one of the biggest opponents in his day to the National Bank, an entity he felt was a federal overreach.”

“Jim Cooper has carried Barack Obama’s water for four long years and the 5th District is drowning in it. He needs to come out and publicly defend his voting record. Our current economic malaise is directly related to Democrat Party control over Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and their refusal to rein them in after they took control of Congress in 2009. Jim was ‘missing in action’ on these issues and the 5th District is paying the price. He should come out and defend his record.”

Brad Staats is a private businessman in Nashville and the Republican candidate for the 5th District Congressional Seat including Davidson County, Dickson County and southern Cheatham County. You can find out more about Brad Staats at or on Facebook.

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1 comment:

  1. You can be more than sure Jim Cooper won't discuss anything with anyone that disagrees with him. The republican party has decided to let him have this seat and they choose to not support a candidate. Action speaks louder than words and they have proven they don't care.
    Go figure. We need this seat in Washington, Cooper always votes with the democrats. He is constantly working against us, but Chairman Chris Devaney isn't going to help. This is most unfortunate.
