Sunday, October 21, 2012

British NHS death rates four times higher than US

There is certainly much that is wrong with the health care system in America, mainly it is too costly and too many people are uninsured.  We need drastic reform, but not a government takeover as provided in Obamacare and not a single-payer or fully nationalized system as many critics advocate. We need sensible reforms that will let market forces bring down cost and expand coverage.

During the debate over Obamacare, not only were the shortcoming of America's health care system publicized but a lot of false information was discriminated to make it appear that by international standards American health care is much worse than it is.

The next time you are having a discussion with a liberal who starts demonizing American health care and holds up the British National Health Service as a model that should be emulated by America, here is a fact to repudiate their argument:  NHS death rates four times higher than US. Or, you could present it this way: The most seriously ill NHS patients were seven times more likely to die than their American counterparts.

This information is the result of a  joint research project conducted by University College London and Columbia University in New York which will be published in medical journals later this year and was reported in the London Daily Mail.

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1 comment:

  1. If you want private healthcare in the UK you can get it. Of course death rates will be higher for patients in a nationalised healthcare system. What you don't account for is the fact that in America many people simply don't get the operation or healthcare. Everyone in England does. We look after our own.
