Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Community Meeting: Fairgrounds consultants will discuss draft report

Wednesday, November 7, 6-7:30 pm
Sonny West Conference Center in the Howard Office Building, 700 Second Avenue South
Consultants on Phase 1 of the Fairgrounds Master Plan will present highlights of their preliminary report at a public meeting November 7.  Phase 1, the “Fair and Events Analysis,” addresses potential fairgrounds and event uses for the Fairgrounds property.
The second and final phase of the study will determine the highest and best scenario for mixed-use redevelopment of the site, and compare that with the analysis presented in Phase 1 to generate a “Recommended Master Plan.”
The Fairgrounds Master Plan Study is being done at the Metro Council’s direction, and the Council will make the final decision on the Fairgrounds site’s future.  Details of the study so far and community comments from previous meetings are on the Planning Department’s Fairgrounds Master Plan Study webpage.

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