Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Fairground update

To those interested in what is going on with the fairgrounds, see the below and follow the link.

Community and stakeholder comments from the October 1 Fairgrounds Master Plan open house are now posted on the Planning Department's Master Plan webpage, along with community feedback from previous events and an email link for new comments.
I attended the October 1 meeting and engaged in putting dots on various development options and heard the consultants presentation. The deck is being stacked to take away the fairgrounds.

The master plan is going to present the city with two options. One will show  that it will be very costly to develop the fairgrounds to reflect "best practice facilities and events."  The other option will show how much money the fairgrounds will yield the city if the property is developed according to a master plan  reflecting “highest and best mixed use scenario” developed by the consultants based on community input.

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