Monday, October 01, 2012

Food Stamps for illegal immigrants

Not content with one in seven Americans being on food stamps, the Obama administration has been pushing to enroll illegal immigrants households in  the food stamp program. Illegal immigrants are not supposed to be eligible.  However, if there is an American in the household, such as an infant born in America, the infant would be eligible and the parents could make application. 

With a safety net for illegal immigrants we should not expect too much self deportation in these hard economic times.
Obama USDA met 30 times with Mexican gov’t to promote food-stamp use among Mexican immigrants 

Department of Agriculture personnel in the Obama administration have met with Mexican Government officials dozens of times since the president took office to promote nutrition assistance programs — notably food stamps — among Mexican Americans, Mexican nationals and migrant communities in America.

Writing in response to Alabama Republican Sen. Jeff Sessions’ July request for information about the USDA’s little known partnership with the Mexican government to educate citizen and noncitizen immigrants from Mexico about the availability of food stamps and other nutrition assistance programs, Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack defended the partnership as a way to curb hunger in America — and the continuation of a program formed under the Bush administration in 2004.(read more)

USDA uses Spanish soap operas to push food stamps among non-citizens, citizens

The government has been targeting Spanish speakers with radio “novelas” promoting food stamp usage as part of a stated mission to increase participation in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), or food stamps.

Each novela, comprising a 10-part series called “PARQUE ALEGRIA,” or “HAPPINESS PARK,” presents a semi-dramatic scenario involving characters convincing others to get on food stamps, or explaining how much healthier it is to be on food stamps. (read more)

Senator says food stamp partnership with Mexico 'pressuring' immigrants to enroll

The Mexican government has been distributing information about the U.S. food stamp program through its embassy and dozens of consular offices, a partnership that one Republican senator says is the latest example of an "aggressive" push to "expand enrollment regardless of need." (read more)

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