Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Last night's Presidential debate

I again enjoyed the Presidential debate at  the debate watch party at the Republican storefront office in Green Hills. Louella and I and about 50 other people  had Pizza and wine and politics before watching the debate on two big screen TVs.

Obama obviously did much better than he did in his first debate, but Romney stood his ground and challenged the President on his misrepresentations and failed policies.   I thought Romney hit Obama hard on his record, including his broken promise to pass comprehensive immigration reform,  the increase in the number of people on food stamps, the drop in household income, the increase in health insurance premiums, the number of people out of work including those no longer counted as unemployed because they have given up seeking employment and Obama's blocking of the Keystone pipeline.

From my perspective, Romney won. However, it was a close called match, not a knock-out punch, and I am sure partisan Democrats could think Obama won. I doubt the debate moved the poll numbers much. If Romney is gaining momentum, I don't think this debate slowed it.

I was very disappointed in the performance of moderator Candy Crowley.  At one point she totally abandoned any objectivity and sided with Obama when he claimed he had been been calling the murder of our ambassador in Libya a terrorist attack from the beginning. Everyone knows that initially the administration claimed the event in Libya was a demonstration over a YouTube video that got out of hand. Candy Crowley should never again moderate a debate.

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