Monday, October 22, 2012

Lt. Gov. Ron Ramsey to campaign for Dr. Steve Dickerson in Senate District 20

Nashville, TN- Dr. Steve Dickerson, candidate for State Senate in District 20, announces today that Lieutenant Governor Ron Ramsey will campaign on his behalf this Thursday, October 25th.

The campaign releases the following schedule that Dr. Dickerson and Lt. Gov. Ramsey will follow:

2:15pm-4:05pm: Early Vote Rally in Bellevue- Bellevue Community Center 656 Colice Jeane Road • Join Lt. Gov. Ron Ramsey and Dr. Steve Dickerson at 3:10pm, as Steve cast his vote!

4:25pm-5:05pm: Green Hills GOP HQ- 4108 Hillsboro Road (Across from Green Hills Mall) • Meet and greet with volunteers. Join as Dr. Dickerson and Lt. Gov. Ramsey make phone calls into Senate District 20 on behalf of Steve.

5:30pm- till: Middle Tennessee Conservative Meeting- Logan’s 2400 Elliston Place • Lt. Gov. Ramsey will be the guest speaker at their monthly meeting. Dr. Dickerson will be in attendance with him.
Steve Dickerson is a practicing physician and founding partner of Anesthesia Services Associates. Dickerson attended the University of the South in Sewanee graduating with a B.A. in History. He then received his medical degree at the Bowman Gray School of Medicine of Wake Forest University. Steve Dickerson has been married to his wife Katrina for 19 years and they have three sons, Reid, Evan, and Bennett. For more information about the Steve Dickerson campaign or to schedule an interview with Dr. Dickerson contact: 615-519-1896 or visit

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