Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Massive organized theft of Staats' yard signs by Cooper camp reported

Staats Campaign Asks Cooper Camp To Stop Sign Theft

The Brad Staats for Congress Campaign today urged the Jim Cooper Campaign to demand that its volunteers cease and desist from stealing Staats campaign signs in Cheatham, Dickson, and Davidson counties.  “There are always a few pranksters in every election cycle that get their kicks lifting signs out of people’s yards,” said Staats.  “We have been getting notifications every so often from supporters about yard signs going missing, but a recent event has required us to go public with this.  It has gotten out of hand.”

Staats continued, “My good friend Carl Boyd (Carl Boyd is the radio talk show host of the “Nothing But The Truth” show heard each Sunday on 99.7 WTN)  had been putting out a lot of my signs in the Antioch area and noticed that many of them were disappearing.  On a recent trip home, he saw a man in Antioch taking those very signs and putting them in his truck covered with Jim Cooper bumper stickers.  When he stopped the man and inquired about his actions, he noticed the man had over 75 “Staats For Congress” signs in the back of his truck.  After a rather unpleasant exchange, Carl was able to retrieve the signs.  This guy was not a prankster, but a thief.  These signs are expensive and we have been watching our expenses very closely.  Jim Cooper needs to come out of his bunker and put a stop to this.”  Staats has previously chided Cooper for refusing to engage him in public discussion about the issues that matter to Tennesseans.

“Perhaps stealing our signs is the Cooper campaign’s way of expressing its concern about Jim being a Democrat in a red state running for re-election on the ticket with an incredibly unpopular, ineffective President,” said Staats.

Brad Staats is a private businessman in Nashville and the Republican candidate for the 5th District Congressional Seat including Davidson County, Dickson County and southern Cheatham County.  You can find out more about Brad Staats at or on Facebook. 

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