Tuesday, October 16, 2012

More trouble at the Election Commission

In the most recent primary, the Election Commission was using a new electronic voting system that causes some ballots to default to the Republican ballot.  This created quit a bit of controversy including some grandstanding by a certain Council member seeking a state house seat. The cause of this error was fully explained and the issue resolved.

Now there is more controversy at the Election Commission.  The sample ballot the Election Commission mailed out has a small black box next to the name of Republican candidates in races where a Republican is competing against a Democrat in a State House contest.

Those who are so inclined to believe the Republican dominated Election Commission is conniving to give an advantage to Republican candidate will be more sure of that than ever now.  The election commission has explained that this was simply an error.  When laying out the sample ballot, initially the format was to have two candidates’ names on the same line, and a black box was put between the two names for ease in reading. They then adjusted the format to have a separate line for each candidate and the person doing the formatting, failed to remove the little black box.

I am accepting that explanation but I am sure many Democrats will not. The Election Commission did not need this new controversy.

According to the article about this in the Tennessean, "some Democrats believe the boxes still could lead some voters to think the candidates whose names are next to the markings are the ones they need to vote for."

That statement says a lot about Democratic voters.  There is a large segment of mostly Democratic voters who let someone else tell them how to vote. If some one is so stupid that they look at the ballot and think they are "supposed" to vote for the person with the black box by their name, they are so dumb, they should not be voting. 

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