Monday, October 29, 2012

Nashville 2o4o Planning process underway

From the Metro Government, Planning Department.

Work is just beginning on a new Nashville General Plan which will provide a vision for our city's future over the next 30 years, along with guidance for growth and development in Davidson County and much of Middle Tennessee. 
Metro government and many local agencies and organizations are leading the General Plan's development - and a Community Engagement Committee is now forming which will include a wide variety of individuals from all walks of life who are familiar with community/neighborhood /civic engagement processes.
If you'd like to be considered for membership in that Committee, please apply at the Nashville 2040 website Our Current Plan
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The “General Plan” – direction for our community’s future

What should Nashville look like in 20 years, or 25, or 30? And we don’t mean just the city – we’re talking about the entire region, our county and others nearby. Metro planners are starting work now on a new General Plan which will provide a vision and guidance for growth and development in Davidson County and influence future progress in much of Middle Tennessee.

Who’s leading this project?

Community Engagement Committee ApplicationMetro Government is part of a coalition of business leaders, government agencies, educators, religious institutions, and individuals which all contribute and provide leadership to the development of the General Plan. It is a true community effort, with many different people and interests represented.
All of the team members live and work in the Nashville area, and share a common goal - helping Nashville and Middle Tennessee grow and prosper in a way that will be good for the economy, the environment, and the people of Davidson County and the surrounding counties.
004 organizations and community members
have joined the team

How long will it take, and how can I be part of it?

Creating the best and most usable Plan will take about three years. Right now, we’re setting a baseline understanding of where we are today. Next, we’ll start considering where we want to be and how to get there, efficiently and sustainably. Today, at the beginning of the process, is the best time to get involved. Join us, and have a real influence on your community’s future.

If you want to get involved  at the beginning in the next plan of Nashville, here is the chance. I have submitted my application. Rod

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