Sunday, October 14, 2012

Robert Duvall welcomes new Habitat homeowners

From Lumination network, Lipscomb University's official student news service,

Elizabeth Manyok, Paurl Manyok, Robert Duvall, and
According to Robert Duvall, a councilman for District 33 where the 15 houses are being built, said Habitat’s work is also bringing new life to a financially troubled community. “We had more bankrupt subdivisions than any other area in Davidson County, and this community needed to come back together,” Duvall said.

For the homeowners, Duvall said this is “a moment of joy and pride.” He added that the project is an example of the good that comes when people work together, noting that volunteers from across the United States and various parts of Davidson and Rutherford counties were present.

“This is what America is all about,” he said. “This is what Council District 33 is all about. Council District 33 is a very blended community. We’re proud to live here and be a part of it.” (link)

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