Thursday, October 25, 2012

Ron Ramsey on the Court's ruling on voter ID

Today the Tennessee Court of Appeals upheld the state's new law requiring voters to show photo identification  at polling places and ruled that election officials must accept an ID issued by the Memphis library.

Lt. Governor Ron Ramsey released the following statement on today's appeals court ruling:

"While allowing library cards clearly violates the legislative intent of this law, the court rightly affirmed the law's constitutionality. Just yesterday, we saw Democrat Party voter fraud efforts make national news in Virginia, as the son of a U.S. Congressman was caught on tape explaining how to commit fraud at the ballot box.  This is exactly the type of illegal behavior our law will stop. Tennessee's voter ID law is necessary, proper and completely constitutional. This has been made plain by the courts and remains undisputed."

To see the video mentioned by Gov. Ramsey, see the next post on this blog. 

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