Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Staats Calls for White House to Come Clean on Benghazi

Brad Staats
Brad Staats, Republican candidate for Tennessee’s 5th District House Seat, today urged President Obama to stop stonewalling the information related to the September 11 attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya that resulted in the deaths of four Americans, including the American Ambassador to Libya, Andrew Stevens.   “There are too many unanswered questions that have been raised about the handling of this horrific attack.   As the Commander-in-Chief, Obama is responsible for what happens relative to the defense of the nation.  If someone else dropped the ball, then that information needs to be immediately made known.”

 “Though the mainstream news media is giving Obama a pass on this, our Representative, Jim Cooper, needs to be front-and-center demanding an answer from the President.  When it comes to demanding accountability for the attack on American soil and the loss of American life, there are no political parties.  Remember, it was Republicans, including Tennessee Senator Howard Baker, who called upon Richard Nixon to come clean during the Watergate scandal and ultimately forced him from office.  Jim Cooper owes the citizens of District 5 an answer to why he is, once again, “missing in action” on this matter of high national security.”

Staats had previously called on Cooper to come on local radio with him and discuss these issues.  Staats appeared Monday morning on the Steve Gill Show with the intent of engaging Congressman Cooper on his record.  Cooper declined the invitation.  “The Benghazi event may be a political “hot potato”, but Tennesseans deserve to know what their elected Representatives are doing to get to the truth about the deaths of their fellow citizens,” said Staats.

Brad Staats is a private businessman in Nashville and the Republican candidate for the 5th District Congressional Seat including Davidson County, Dickson County and southern Cheatham County.  You can find out more about Brad Staats at www.bradstaats.com or on Facebook. 

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