Thursday, October 11, 2012

State Senate Candidate Steve Dickerson Outraises Opponent Phillip North 2 to 1

Cashing in on Tremendous Support… Again

Steve Dickerson
NASHVILLE, TN. - Dr. Steve Dickerson, candidate for the State Senate in District 20, has released that his campaign has raised nearly $240,000 for the third quarter alone.

“After the primary was over we knew that we would be going into the general at a financial disadvantage and would have to work hard to close the gap,” said Dickerson. “We have worked tirelessly to reach the voters of the 20th District in all aspects, and obviously fundraising was no exception to this plan.”

Dr. Dickerson’s third quarter campaign disclosure shows the campaign has raised $237,700; in comparison Dr. Dickerson’s opponent, Phillip North, only raised $108,802.62 in the same time period.

“There is no denying the fact that the third quarter is the most crucial quarter to raise money, and we knew that.” Dickerson continued, “The disclosures are one meter of how a campaign can measure how their message is resonating with the voters; and the fact that the disclosures show that we have outraised our opponent by a margin of more than 2 to 1, means that the voters of the 20th District are connecting with our message.”

Each candidate is required by State law to report all campaign contributions and expenditures each quarter, the third quarter filing was due by October 10th. The third quarter campaign financial disclosures cover the period of July 24, 2012 through September 30, 2012.

“I continue to be more than humbled by the tremendous amount of financial support that our campaign has received,” Dickerson stated. “Each contribution is an investment into our message and we will continue to work until District 20 has a strong, sensible voice in the State Senate.”

Steve Dickerson is a practicing physician and founding partner of Anesthesia Services Associates. Dickerson attended the University of the South in Sewanee graduating with a B.A. in History. He then received his medical degree at the Bowman Gray School of Medicine of Wake Forest University. Steve Dickerson has been married to his wife Katrina for 20 years and they have three sons, Reid, Evan, and Bennett.

For more information about the Steve Dickerson campaign or to schedule an interview with Dr. Dickerson contact: 615-519-1896 or visit

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