Tuesday, October 16, 2012

The Obama phone lady has made it into a campaign ad.

I think this could be an effective ad.  Many middle class American do not know people in the dependency class.  They think of poor people as people down on their luck.  Many are of course and there are many hard working decent low income people, but there are a lot of people like this women.  If welfare becomes a way of life it destroys a person's incentive and moral character.  This women is representative of many people in the welfare class and the reason she will vote for Obama is the reason many people will do so.

This Obama's policies are turning millions more Americans into moochers looking for every handout. When more people are on public assistance than are working, we are doomed. You can be assured that this lady will never want to work.  She cannot afford to work.  It is expensive to give up free housing and food stamps and medicaid and transportation vouchers and your free phone. She has probably never worked and most likely has been so incapacitated by the welfare system, that no one would ever hire her. She is most likely a permanent parasite. Obama's policies are expanding the parasite class. It is turning normal people into people like this women.

I am sure this ad will be denounced as racist by some, but those are people who were going to vote for Obama anyway. Showing a video clip that shows what motivates a large segment of the population to  support Obama is not racist.  Political correctness should not get in the way of telling the truth. We should not be cowered by those who will play the race card.

I just sent a contribution to Tea Party Victory Fund to help pay for this ad to run in Ohio. Please click here to go to a secure website to make a contribution.

Below is the fund raising email from Tea Party Victory Fund:

Dear Conservative,

Mitt Romney can't win the White House unless he wins Ohio. That's where we come in. Have you seen the Obama Phone lady? If you haven't, click here right now.

We believe that this shocking video of an Obama supporter in Cleveland claiming that President Obama "Gave us a phone" is so damaging that it could be fatal to the President's hopes of winning Ohio.

October Surprise
This is it--this is the October surprise. We just need to get this ad on television today. Will you help us?

This commercial is a microcosm of the difference between Republicans and Democrats. Republicans want to create an environment where free people make their own choices and pursue their dreams. President Obama and the Democrats want to create a dependency on Government that ensures that Americans will continue to rely on Washington from cradle to grave.

What this lady said is so offensive because it's so blatant--she finally comes out and says what we all know that the Democrats really think. That's why this ad is so damaging to the President here in Ohio.

Let me tell you something, I'm from Ohio--I was elected statewide as the Secretary of State, and Ohio State Treasurer--this ad is effective. If swing voters in this state see this ad, they simply will not support President Obama, and he will lose Ohio.

I believe that Ohio will determine the fate of our country for the next four years. If Republicans lose here, it's over. If we win here, it's going to be very hard for Obama to get re-elected.

In my experience, the hardest part of making an ad is finding something that cuts through the noise and the clutter and gets attention. This ad does exactly that. This commercial will really move numbers. But we need your help, right now if we are going to get it on TV.

The Obama record is atrocious. Chew on these numbers for a second:

* 1 in 7 Americans on food stamps today, the most ever! No wonder Obama has been called "The Food Stamp President."

* Obama has increased our debt to 16 TRILLION dollars! That's a legacy of debt and enslavement that our children will be forced to pay for generations to come. That's not just bad policy, it's immoral.

* 10 million jobs lost. President Obama's policies have strangled any hope of a recovery. He has to go.

We must make sure that every swing voter in Ohio sees this commercial, right now. We need your help. Will you join us?

Let's make the ObamaPhone Lady famous, and make Barack Obama a one term president.

For America,

Ken Blackwell
Chairman, Tea Party Victory Fund

P.S. I believe this commercial has a chance to be the single most devastating attack on the President of this campaign so far. If we get it on TV here in Ohio, we can end his hopes of Victory here, and deny him another term in the White House. Will you stand with us?

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