Thursday, October 18, 2012

The Tennessean endorses Romney!

I was pleasantly shocked this morning to open the Tennessean and see an endorsement for Romney.  It was a weak endorsement, but an endorsement none the less. I had assumed the Tennessean was so predictably knee-jerk liberal that an endorsement for Obama's reelection was a given. I'm glad I was wrong. In appreciation for the Tennessean endorsing Romney, I am going to go a whole day without saying anything bad about the Tennessean.

Below are excerpts from their endorsement.

.....few elections have been so critical to the country. In 2012, the United States faces crippling debt; seemingly endless military conflicts and terror threats; an aging population; and sweeping workforce and geopolitical changes that threaten to turn our society upside down.

 And while Mr. Obama may have reassured a lot of people about the response to the Libyan consulate attack in Tuesday’s debate, there is too much dissension in his own administration about the right approach to terrorism.

The next president must be the one with the best chance to get the crushing, $16 trillion national debt under control, coupled with the more immediate need of enabling a vibrant job market.
It is because the economy is paramount that The Tennessean endorses Gov. Mitt Romney for president.

Mr. Romney has the business experience that gives him better understanding of the needs of real job creators.

To read the full text of the endorsement follow this link.

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