Friday, October 05, 2012

Update 2: What happened at the 10-2-12 Council meeting; Employee Benefits cut.

Above is the video of the Oct. 2nd, 2012 council meeting.

I finally got around to watching it.  This was a boring meeting and not worth watching unless you have an interest in one of the zoning issues.

Former police Chief Joe Casey is honored and presented with a proclamation naming the west precinct in his honor (3:36).

I did not watch each of the public hearings on rezoning issue. If they don't effect your neighborhood they are real boring. If you want to see if any of them are in your area or for some reason my interest you, visit the agenda.

Things get a little testy between Councilman Dominy and Vice Mayor Neighbors. Dominy expresses concern about blasting that will be done to develop an underground parking garage and wants to question what effort will be made to monitor and control damage to homes in the area and the Vice Mayor won't allow him to discuss the issue, saying it will be discussed in council committees. (See 1:14:30) Council meetings might be a little longer but they would be a lot more informative and interesting it the Vice Mayor would let the council members have a little more leeway to pursue questions and express themselves.

 Below is the Tennessean report on the bill that reduced Metro employee benefits.

 Nashville council votes to cut pensions
Michael Cass,The Tennessean,Oct 2, 2012

Changes to benefits for future city employees sailed through the Metro Council on Tuesday.

Without discussion, the council gave final approval to a series of changes to pension and health care benefits designed to rein in some of the government’s expenses. “This starts the process of chipping away at some of our benefit costs,”

Metro Finance Director Rich Riebeling said after the vote. (link)

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