Thursday, October 04, 2012

Watching Romney win the debate at the GOP debate watch party

I watched the debate tonight at the Republican Party debate watch party at Three Stones Pub in Belleview. About 65 people filled the bar and watched TV on about six different screens. It was great to watch the debate in this setting with like minded people. People applauded and cheered as Romney scored points and hit Obama with zingers.

Kathleen Starnes, Chair DCRP,  being interviewed by News 2

Lonnie Spivak
Member of the DCRP Board
hosted the Party.
In my opinion, Romney knocked it out of the ball park. He had a mastery of the issues, he appeared calm and sure of himself and did not let Obama get away with distorting his position. Obama, on the other hand, appeared grumpy and defensive and mad and had trouble articulating a position.

I could not have been more pleased. I have not yet watched or read commentary so I don't know how professional journalist and spin artist saw it, but I thought Romney was by far the better debater and presented the more compelling
Brad Staats, 5th Congressional
District Candidate
arguments and vision for the future.

Beth and Bill Campbell, Larry Maxwell, and
Mark Rogers are among the debate watchers.
Mary Ann Parks and Charles Williamson
sit at the bar and watch the debate.
Charles is the Republican candidate for
State House in District 50.

My wife Louella and our friend Sue Duess
attend. Sue won one of the door prizes,
an "empty chair" campaign tee shirt.

The next debate party will be the vice presidential debate on Wednesday October 11and will be at the GOP Nashville office in Green Hills at 4801 Hillsboro Rd, formerly Wolf Camera, next to McDonalds. There will be finger food and wine for sure and maybe other beverages. This is a free event. Come watch the debate with people who share your values, wear your Romney-Ryan gear and cheer for our team.

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