Wednesday, November 14, 2012

More, Barfield Elementary Muslim Student/Toy Guns gifts-incident

Some of the citizens of Murfressboro who opposed the right of Muslims to build a Mosque are outraged that a Muslim fourth grader brought toy guns to schools to give to his class mates as gifts. They do not want to let this incident just fade away.

I hate to sound like an old man remembering my youth, but I do remember a time when bringing a toy gun to school would have not been a big deal. Also, almost every young boy carried a pocket knife. Oh well, times change. With zero tolerance and political correctness you cannot bring toy guns to school. And, in light of school shootings, maybe you shouldn't be allowed to do so.

This incident is being made into a big deal on the "Stand Up for The Rutherford Reader" list serve and among others in Rutherford County residents. Read about this incident here and here. If the kid had not been a Muslim, I can't help but think that it would now be forgotten. Give it a rest.

Not only are some parents upset that boys got guns, but that girls got dolls.  That sounds about right to me. Santa always brought guns for the boys and dolls for the girls at our house. 

The lesson from all of this is, do not try to be nice and give your classmates gifts.

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  1. Can I send gifts with my child to give out presents for Hanukkah? Nope. Why should he have been allowed to bring presents for his holy day?

  2. I think that celebrating the holiday is the real problem. Christians can't seem to celebrate anything without a major up roar
