Friday, November 30, 2012

Calling all Supporters! The Fairgrounds Still Needs You!

From Save Our
Calling all Supporters! 
The Fairgrounds Still Needs You! 

We need your help! There is a Bill being introduced in the Metro Council which is seeking potential investors willing to preserve our Fairgrounds for current uses if given a Twenty-Five (25) year lease.

This Bill will not impact the Master Plan which is underway. We have no control over the Master Plan process. However, the passage of this bill will give us some options to preserve the property with no tax payer dollars as the council considers the fairground's future in the coming months. As supporters of the fairgrounds, we want too ensure our fairgrounds have a bright future!

Please contact your District Councilmember and each of the 5 Council-at-Large members and ask them to support Council Bill 2012-293 on Tuesday, December 4th! You can find a list of council members email address and phone numbers by visiting or you can send an email to all the council members asking them to support the bill at

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