Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Conservative Fusion to read The The Tyranny of Cliches, by Jonah Goldberg

Tuesday, November 27, 2012, 7:00 PM to

Needs a location  (I will host unless we get a better offer. Rod)
From Gene Wisdom, event organizer:

We earlier discussed his bestseller Liberal Fascism, which exposed liberalism's intellectual ties to fascism, a doctrine of the Left, not the Right. Goldberg has an excellent way in his books and other writings of being able to look deeply into a subject with both great wit and keen insight. It is my belief that part of making oneself a better conservative is developing a clear understanding of liberalism. Goldberg does that by showing us the liberal emperor has no clothes, and that there is very little intellectual substance to it.

Book Description from Amazon.com

May 1, 2012
The bestselling author of Liberal Fascism dismantles the progressive myths that are passed-off as wisdom in our schools, media and politics.

According to Jonah Goldberg, if the greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist, the greatest trick liberals ever pulled was convincing themselves that they’re not ideological.

Today, “objective” journalists, academics and “moderate” politicians peddle some of the most radical arguments by hiding them in homespun aphorisms.  Barack Obama casts himself as a disciple of reason and sticks to one refrain above all others: he’s a pragmatist, opposed to the ideology and dogma of the right, solely concerned with “what works.” And today’s liberals follow his lead, spouting countless clichés such as:
  • One man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter: Sure, if the other man is an idiot. Was Martin Luther King Jr. a terrorist? Was Bin Laden a freedom fighter?
  • Violence never solves anything: Really? It solved our problems with the British empire and ended slavery.
  • Better ten guilty men go free than one innocent man suffer: So you won’t mind if those ten guilty men move next door to you?
  • Diversity is strength: Cool.The NBA should have a quota for midgets and one-legged point guards!
  • We need complete separation of church and state: In other words all expressions of faith should be barred from politics …except when they support liberal programs.
With humor and passion, Goldberg dismantles these and many other Trojan Horses that liberals use to cheat in the war of ideas. He shows that the grand Progressive tradition of denying an ideological agenda while pursuing it vigorously under the false-flag of reasonableness is alive and well.  And he reveals how this dangerous game may lead us further down the path of self-destruction.

There is time to order the book and join us. Please do. We chat and socialize for about thirty minutes and then get down to some serious discussion. Rod

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