Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Distinguished Speaker Program: The Changing Middle East – Nov 13

Understanding Muslim Societies:
Political Authority in a Changing Middle East

Dr. Richard Bulliet, Professor of History, Columbia University

Tuesday, November 13, 2012, Program: 6:30 p.m.
Frist Lecture Hall, 4th Floor, Inman Bldg, Belmont University, Nashville (For more information follow this link)

Unless I get a better offer, such as dinner with my momma who is in town, then I plan on attending this event.  We are fortunate in Nashville to have several universities bringing lecturers and scholars to speak on important topics. Like this event, these public programs are usually free.  There have been various events in town exploring the nature of Islam and the threat of radical Islam.  I have attended several, however I have often felt those events offered a simplistic view of a complex problem.  Often the speaker is a self-taught expert. They tend to present Islam as monolithic and do not offer a balanced view on how to confront a complex foreign policy challenge.  This is a chance to hear from a scholar and deepen ones knowledge of this topic. Rod


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