Friday, November 02, 2012

Don't scrape the Electoral College

The Electoral College, Under Attack
 by Mark Davis

 The framers of the Constitution could have easily fashioned an election system in which we funnel our votes into one giant hopper, count them all on election night (hoping on each occasion that we don’t get Florida 2000 on a national level), and the winner is the candidate with the most votes. But they didn’t. And there was a reason. (link)
Like most people who are passionate about politics, I am anxiously awaiting Tuesday. I am hoping with ever fiber of my being that Romney wins. I have been unable to work the phone banks this year due to the difficulty of taking my ill wife places, but have done some phone work from home and have contributed money and blogged away and I will be a poll watcher Tuesday.  I am doing all I can do.

 I do not have the same passion for Romney as a I did Ronald Reagan.  He does not stir the emotions the way Reagan did. I don't expect Romney to take the country where it needs to go, but he will stop the decline into socialism  and insolvency and put us on the right track.  I have never felt there was a more important election- not because Romney is so great but because Obama is so awful. Four more years of Obama and it may be too late to rescue our country.

I carefully follow the polls and I watch a variety of news sources.  If I watch the pundits on Fox, I feel like celebrating and think we are going to win by a landslide. If I turn to Current TV or MSNBC, I see that the Dems and leftist are as certain of victory as are the the Republicans of Fox. On balance I think it is too close to call. Which ever candidate wins, I think it will be very, very close.

What I hope does not happen, is that Romney wins the popular vote and Obama wins the Electoral College. Should that happen, Obama's election will be as legitimate as if he had won the popular vote by a landslide. What I fear is that many people who are otherwise conservative will feel Obama is an illegitimate president because the majority of voters voted against him. I fear that many Republicans will join Democrats in calling for abolishing the Electoral College.

Even it Romney does win the popular vote but loses  the Electoral College vote, I still support the Electoral College. We are a Republic and Federalism is too important to throw overboard due to one close election.

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1 comment:

  1. We here in TN are one of the many smaller states based on population that benefit from the electoral college. Were it not for the electoral college, and were the President's election based on the popular vote, only 6 or 8 states would ever be considered by candidates for President. Now though, with the electoral college, the small states are worth considering. That's the way the founding fathers felt, which is why it's in the constitution. Respectfully,
