Friday, November 02, 2012

First Tuesday Special Guest Speaker: John L. Ryder

 No meeting on Election Day !

John Ryder is a member of the Memphis law firm of Harris, Shelton, Hanover Walsh where his day to day practice is concentrated in bankruptcy and commercial litigation.

John presently serves as Republican National Committeeman for Tennessee and is a nationally recognized expert on redistricting and election law.  On the RNC, he has served on the Rules Committee since 1996.  He was a member of the Temporary delegate Selection Committee, which drafted the language of the current rules on Presidential Primaries.  He has served on the Convention Rules Committee  in 2004, 2008, and this year. He is chairman of the Redistricting Committee of the RNC and Chairman of the Presidential Nominating Schedule Committee.

He also serves as Vice President for Judicial Affairs of the Republican National Lawyers Association.
He received his undergraduate education at Wabash College and his law degree from Vanderbilt University.

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