Wednesday, November 21, 2012

HCA incentives take step forward, to be decided next month

The Tennessean, by Joey Garrison, Nov 20, 2012- Mayor Karl Dean’s proposed $66 million incentive package for Nashville-based HCA took a step forward Tuesday, setting up a definitive December vote on the private hospital chain’s plans to relocate its headquarters to new office towers on West End Avenue.

Without discussion, the council approved on a second of three votes an ordinance that outlines a 100 percent property tax abatement for up to 20 years, capped at $3 million per year. Meanwhile, the council delayed voting on two other elements of Dean’s proposal— a $500 incentive grant per employee over seven years and a one-time $1,000,000 relocation fee.

The council opted to consider the deals all at once at its Dec. 4 meeting.(link)

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