Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Meeting of the Metro Council's Budget & Finance Committee on 11-12-12

This committee meeting is only 34 minutes long. Charlie Tygard ask some a good question about the settlement of a law suit. "What is a 'log book error'"? he ask. As least someone is thinking and asking. Tygard also ask other good clarifying questions on other bills. In fact he seems to be one of the only ones paying attention.

The bill transferring the Transportation Licensing Commission to Public Works passes. Councilman Garrett asks if the TLC has voted on it and he asks for the opinion of the Director of Public Works. Councilman Stein makes a good comment and says "I don't know who knows and who doesn't know but it is a good idea no matter who knows."

The bill concerning authorizing speed bumps hits a speed bump. (see 17:29-30:50 for the discussion) Hunt and Garrett join the discussion. Councilman Stanley is the sponsor and does a good job explaining the bill. However, it fails committee 0 for and 10 against.

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