Thursday, November 29, 2012

National Review: Sen. Bob Corker's Fiscal Cliff Agenda

Some Republicans are ready to throw Bob Corker over a cliff due to his plan to avoid the fiscal cliff. You know who they are: the loud-mouth bombastic talk show host and locally, those who think all other Republicans are "Republican-in-name-only" and that they and their little group of friends are the only real Republicans left.

Well, National Review, founded by William F. Buckley Jr.,which has been the leading publication advocating conservative policies and articulating conservative ideas for over sixty years is complimentary of Bob Corker's plan.  Only the uninformed or idiots could accuse National Review of being part of the liberal RINO establishment.

Here is what National Review has to say about Bob Corker's proposed debt reduction plan.

National Review: Sen. Bob Corker's Fiscal Cliff Agenda: "Sen. Bob Corker (R-TN) has outlined a debt reduction proposal in a Washington Post op-ed that [is] certainly very attractive… I think that this is a solid negotiating position for congressional Republicans…Corker has outlined a number of smart, politically viable entitlement reform ideas, and it is essential that any tax compromise be tied to structural entitlement reform.”

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