Saturday, November 10, 2012

State GOP has failed us miserable, says TRA leader.

Judd Matheny
State Rep. and Speaker Pro Tem Judd Matheny, District 47, addressed a standing room only crowd at the Tennessee Republican Assembly meeting this morning at the Shoney's on Thompson Ln. 

"He brings such incredible leadership ability to that position," commented Bobbie Patray, Chair of Tennessee Eagle Forum, on the Tennessee Federation of Republican Women Facebook page.

Back in August Matheny was making speeches hinting that he might try to unseat Representative Beth Harwell as Speaker. He has since abandoned that attempt.

The Tennessee Republican Assembly which claims to be the only real Republicans in the Party had billed the meeting as a "time to start the process of rebuilding the party in this state." 

Despite unprecedented growth in the Republican party in Tennessee, a Republican governor, two Republican Senators, seven of nine Tennessee U. S Representatives being Republican and Republican control of both houses of the legislature for the first time since reconstruction with walk-out proof super majorities, Glen Hughes, Chairman of the TRA said, "The GOP has failed us miserably both at the national and state levels." "The NFRA as a whole is working to fix this situation. We are charged with that task in Tennessee. Come stand with the TRA," he said in his promotion of this the first meeting since the election.

What? If the success of the Party in Tennessee can be called "failing us miserably," I would like to see what success looks like. I don't know who in their right mind would think we need to "rebuild" the party in Tennessee. The Party in Tennessee is in great shape.  However if TRA admitted Republican success they would have no reason to exist.

 "RINOs stay home you are not needed or welcome," said Hughes.

I do not consider my self a RINO (Republican in name only) and was once a member of TRA, however I did not attend the meeting.  Glen Hughes considers me a RINO and I doubt I would have been welcome.  I think Hughes thinks anyone who believes the world is not flat to be a RINO.

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