Wednesday, November 07, 2012

State House and State Senate now have a supermajority:

While I am disappointed at the reelection of President Obama and disappointed that our Davidson County candidates did not fair better, the one bright spot is that the State House and State Senate now have a super majorities

With a super majority, the Republicans can pass any bill they desire. Democrats cannot block any thing, nor can they keep the legislature from conducting  business by walking out.  The Republicans have quorum without the Democrats.

The challenge will be to keep the Party unified.  At one time when the Democrats were in the majority, the real division in the state legislature was an urban-rural split rather than a Democrat-Republican split. With leaders like Lt. Governor Ron Ramsey and House Speaker Beth Harwell, I think Party unity can be maintained but it may prove difficult.

The best news of the night last night was the election of Dr. Steve Dickerson in Senate district 20.

I was real disappointed that Representative Jim Gotto was not reelected and that candidates for house seats, Charles Williamson, Robert Duvall and Ben Claybaker were unsuccessful.  I was really expecting Duvall. to win.  His State House district included the area that is his Council District and I felt real good about his campaign. I was less sure of Williamson ,but thought he would win and while I was even less sure of Claybaker, I thought he had a good shot.

The fact is, Davidson County is still a Democratic island in a Republican sea.  We are making inroads and things are changing but it is slow going. Our candidates worked hard and the Party and volunteers worked hard. I don't think anyone can be faulted for not tying hard enough. In Davidson County the President had long coat tails. Unfortunately there are still a lot of yellow dog Democrats in this County and they vote the top of the ticket down for the Party.

In addition to Steve Dickerson, newly elected State Senators include Frank  Niceley, District 8; Todd Gardehnire, District 10; Janice Bowling, District 16; Ferrell Haile, District 18; Dr. Mark Green, District 22; John Stevens, District 24; and, Dr. Joey Hensley, District 28. The Senate will be 26-7 Republican majority.  For the State Senate vote results, follow this link.

It looks like the State House will be 70-29 Republican-Democrat.  For State House Vote results, follow this  link.

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