Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Tennessee should not set up a Healthcare Exchange

This Friday Governor Haslam will have to make the decision whether Tennessee will set up an insurance exchange under Obamacare or let the Federal Government set up the exchange.  Either way we will have an Obamacare insurance healthcare exchange.

Several Republican governors have already declared they would not be choosing to set up the exchanges. Also, various conservative commentators and organizations are working to urge their governor to not set up the exchanges. I have had reservations about the State opting out.  I have wondered if the resistance was simply obstinate defiance or if there were strong reasons for opting out. I am going to trust those organization such as National Review and local expert such as Ralph Weber and conclude that Tennessee should opt out of setting up an exchange and let the Federal government set it up. 
One argument that is persuasive is that if we fail to set it up now, that we can set it up latter as made in the National Review piece below.  Another persuasive argument is that  defaulting to a federal exchange exempts a state’s employers from the employer mandate.  If this is correct, then that is reason enough.

Apparently for Governor Haslam this has not been an easy decision. He has been waiting to make a decision, waiting to see what some of the final regulations would be. If Governor Haslam does choose to go forward to set up the healthcare exchange, he needs to make a compelling argument that it was the correct choice to make. The burden of proof that they are making the right decision should be on those who choose to set up the exchanges. I have seen no rational, compelling argument for doing so. If setting up the exchanges is such a good idea, why is no one making the case.

Below, I am linking to several articles that explain why we should not set up a healthcare exchange.

by Bill Wilson, Netright Daily
There is no question that if governors decide to implement such an exchange, they will be aiding and abetting the implementation of this law.

Tennessee Health Freedom Act
From  Tennessee Eagal Forum

I don't see how the Governor or a state legislator could justify supporting the Obamacare state health exchanges in view of the provisions of the Tennessee Health Freedom Act passed in 2011. 

Obamacare Is Still Vulnerable
Now is not the time to go wobbly.

By Michael F. Cannon, National Review Online.  

 President Obama has won reelection, and his administration has asked state officials to decide by Friday, November 16, whether their state will create one of Obamacare’s health-insurance “exchanges.” States also have to decide whether to implement the law’s massive expansion of Medicaid. The correct answer to both questions remains a resounding no.

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