Tuesday, November 20, 2012

The Tennessean on Metro Council maintains lifetime health benefits for members

Council health-care vote callous

Opinion Editorials, Nov 19, 2012-    Nashville Metro Council voted 23-14 last week to continue its lifetime access to cheap health insurance, a benefit earned after just eight years of service (two terms) on a body that meets twice a month and pays $15,000 a year.

 The vote, on a bill proposed by Councilman Phil Claiborne, illustrates the widening disconnect between elected officials and the people they serve and employ.

Metro Council's selfish vote on health care benefits isn't fooling anyone

by Gail Kerr, Nov 18, 2012- Last month, the Metro Council voted that new city employees, when they retire, will have to pay 75 percent of their health care premiums, depending on their years of service.

The council is about to vote to restrict pension benefits for city employees with less than 20 years of service. Yet, shamelessly and self-servingly last week, the council overwhelmingly reaffirmed they are eligible for health care for themselves and their families for the rest of their lives.

That’s right. You and I will pay for health care for council members and their spouses who opt in until the day they die.

Metro Council maintains lifetime health benefits for members

by Joey Garrison, Nov 13, 2012-  Heavily subsidized lifetime health care benefits for Metro Council members –– a controversial perk for earning one of the 40 elected seats –– will continue on for the city’s future representatives as well as those currently in office.

 The Metro Council voted 23-14 Tuesday to defeat legislation on a third and final reading that would have ended or significantly reduced the benefit for future council members depending on their number of years served. The vote saw council conservatives and progressives intermingled on both sides of the issue.

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