Sunday, November 25, 2012

Thousands of cancer patients are being denied access to better treatment

Is this be likely future of American health care?

Thousands 'not getting the best cancer treatment because of lack of doctors trained to use latest radiotherapy technology'

  • Thousands of cancer patients are being denied access to better treatment because of a lack of trained doctors, according to an ‘alarming’ Government report.
  • One in four cancer patients who receive radiotherapy in hospitals would benefit from the latest techniques But only four cancer centres out of 50 in England are currently offering the treatment.

By Jo Macfarlane,, 24 November 2012

One in four cancer patients who receive radiotherapy in hospitals would benefit from the latest techniques, but some hospitals do not offer the treatment or provide it for only 0.1 per cent of sufferers, officials say.

But a Department of Health report found that only four cancer centres out of 50 in England offer the treatment to all those who might benefit, because many specialists are not trained in how to administer it. Read more

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