Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Vote now in the 2012 Lump of Coal Award poll! | Beacon Center of Tennessee

Who is the most irresponsible and/or wasteful public figure?

Vote now in the 2012 Lump of Coal Award poll! | Beacon Center of Tennessee www.beacontn.org
Help Beacon award its annual dubious distinction to the person or group who, more than any other ove...

The candidates are:
Finalist #1: Wendy Askins, Upper Cumberland Development District
Finalist #2: Nashville Mayor Karl Dean
Finalist #3: Chattanooga Electric Power Board
Finalist #4: Former Davidson County Clerk John Arriola 

Wow! some good choices. As much as I would like to vote for Dean or Arriola, I think I am going to have to go with Wendy Askins. I followed that story closely and also read the Investigative Audit Report.  The cynical abuse of authority and thievery in that case is appalling and just unbelievable. She lived the opulent lifestyle at tax payers expense taking money intended for poor elderly. I am going to have to vote for Wendy Askins.  Rod

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