Thursday, November 08, 2012

We may have lost the war. The fundamental transformation is nearly complete.

Sometimes after one looses a legal battle or some business or personal conflict or an election, one may say "we lost the battle, but not the war." With the loss of the election of Mitt Romney on Tuesday, I am not sure that is an accurate thing to say. I feel that we may have lost the war.

When Obama ran four years ago he said his election would fundamentally transform America. It has. He didn’t do it all by himself however. The transformation had been a work in progress for a long time. A news and entertainment culture that elevates political correctness above the truth, a growing government that constantly expands the welfare state and fifty years of liberal indoctrination in higher education had laid the groundwork. There had been some temporary halts in the transformation along the way, such as the Reagan revolution and welfare reform, but they did not reverse the direction of our decline. America had already been softened up so Obama could deliver the final blow.

It is not that I do not think we have another election in four years. I do. I think we will still be a democracy four years from now. I do not think that President Obama will turn American into a Maoist or Hitlerian police state. The changes that will occur in the next four years will be subtle. However, in four years the nature of the people of America will be further changed. I fear that this election was the tipping point. I fear that in four years there may be no reversing course. The transformation may be complete.

We now have a $16 trillion dollar debt. I predict that in four more years it will be $20 trillion. Forty cents of every dollar the government spends is borrowed money. America is in denial. They don't want to believe that a day of reckoning will come. Like spoiled children, they don't want to hear, "We can't afford that."

We are inflating the currency at the rate of $40 billion dollars a month and have plans to do it indefinitely. We have not had major inflation because our interest on the debt paid to other countries and trade imbalances have been absorbing the excess dollars. Americans do not believe that there will ever come a time when the rest of the world does not want to own our debt. They don't believe that hyperinflation is a real possibility. By the time they see it, it will be too late to do anything about it.

We have had unemployment of about 8% for four years now. Americans are accepting that as the new normal. And it is, in much of the world. About half of the people of this nation are on some kind of public assistance. Americans are seeming to embrace this. In much of the world, a large safety net is the norm and living on some sort of government assistance and having lots of "free" stuff is expected.

I feel that now, many Americans want the government to support them on unemployment for three year stretches at a time, to provide them with free higher education, to give them food stamps and cell phones and birth control pills and free health care and pay their house payment when they are unemployed.

Once we have nationalized health care, you can be sure Americans will not want to give it up. If it is not working well, they will agitate for more generous spending and even more government regulation. They will not lobby for a return to what we had. Once someone becomes accustomed to a government benefit, they never want to lose it.

I feel that Americans are embracing economic egalitarianism. When many American see a successful person, they no longer say, isn't it great that we live in a country were such success is possible and I myself want to become successful or I hope my children become successful. No, they think that it is unfair that some people are successful. They think the reason they have less is because someone else has more.

They are also tired of the responsibility of carrying the torch or liberty. I understand the fatigue of two wars that have lasted a long time and I agree with those who say we should not have invaded Iraq. I still believe however, that the world is a dangerous place and we, as the only remaining super power, have an obligation to stay engaged and to keep Iran from getting the bomb, to check the spread of radical Islam, and to keep North Korea from becoming a threat to their neighbors. We cannot abrogate the responsibility that history has given us.

I fear that Americans are embracing communitarianism over individualism. They are tired of self-reliance. They want a government to take care of them. They want a government that is like a caring parent. Being an adult is hard. American’s are tired of responsibility and freedom. And, they no longer believe we are an exceptional nation. They want to live in a "normal" country like the rest of the industrialized world.

It was not so long ago that this was not so. There was a time when Americans thrilled to the words of a President who said, "America is a shining city on a hill." I think those days are over.

I do not think we lost this election because we didn't contribute enough money, or our candidate made terrible mistakes or we didn't work hard enough. We just did not have the ideas that appeal to the American people. The American people were presented with a choice and they chose.

In four years, I predict that we will still have the same two major parties. The Democrats will still be the liberal party and the Republicans will still be the conservative party. However, the political spectrum will have shifted so that the party of the right is where the middle once was and the party of the left is further left.

I have little hope that we can regain the ground we have lost. I hope I am wrong, but I fear the character of the American people has been changed forever.

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  1. dear disgruntled republican, i read with great interest your comments following the reelection of president obama. the good news is almost everything you fear is wrong. im a liberal. i grew up poor with one parent and became a wealthy businessman. its clear from your comments that you dont have many poor friends. poor people arent lazy, theyre poor. just put up a job and see how many poor folks line up to apply. hell, where i live, california, everday there are hundreds of men standing in large business parking lots waiting to do manual labor. you wouldnt to do that. no, the problem with america isnt lazy people, its that capitalism with all its benefits still has many failings. it hasnt created enough jobs for everyone to raise a family, or healthcare everyone can afford, or an education systen everyone can afford. what you see as a failure of the american people is a failure of our economic system. this has happened not only here but around the world. socialized fill the vacuum where free enterprise fails. if you really wanted america to be more self sufficient you would have better privatized programs that helped people realize the american dream. but, instead people are left to fend for themselves in a dogy dogy economy. then you wonder why folks look for better alternatives. you cant have both ways. either people get the help they need or they will go elsewhere to survive. so, worry not. people are just as ambitious as every. however, there is bad news too. something you and your crowd wont even discuss seriously. bigotry. because you dont really have many real friends different than you, you are deaf dumb and blind to the inevitable demographic changes occurring. if you had a few real friends that were black, hispanic, asian, gay, poor (especially poor), progressive women, young people, etc, ie, not old white men, youd understand better what the future has to offer. youre tribal dislike of people who have a different religion, skin color, beliefs, and sexual preference dooms you to history. fortunately, most white folks know this and do have real different friends and join with us liberals in moving forward together. probaly even some of your kids. we welcome them. and thats the silverlining in the so called bad news. will america be white is right, brown stick around, and black get back any longer. no way. instead, whites of the future will finally lose their social priviledge and be treated like everyone else. thank God. so, you see you have nothing to fear but fear itself. we arent the boogyman. we are the future waiting for you to leave the past and join us as equals, just like the constitution says. peace brother. dr john browne.

    1. Dear Dr. Browne,
      I find it amusing that liberals almost always assume they know what a conservative is like. You certainly missed it when you assume I have not experienced diversity or do not know poor people. I am not a child of privilege and I have been poor.
      My experience with diversity started when I spent four years in the Air Force as an enlisted man. Living in close quarters with people of all races, and opinions, and from different social backgrounds, and from different sections of the country is an education.
      Most of my working career has been working with poor people. For several years I worked for our local public housing agency. I have been a housing counselor where I taught home buying classes to a class of all black, mostly single mothers, who were residents of public housing. After well fare reform became public policy, I taught an office skill and job training program to people on welfare. I served ten years in the Metro Council of Nashville and represented a district of mostly low income people. One thing I learned from working with poor people is that welfare programs enslaves people, kills their ambition and destroys their character . Breaking free of welfare dependency is very difficult. To earn a living and give up subsidized housing and Medicaid and food stamps and to break free of the attitude of your peers takes an almost heroic effort.
      Having worked in my field most of my career, I have often been the only white face at a meeting. Whether teaching class or attending a training session or working with funders, I have most often been in the minority. There are more African-Americans in my field than White people. I have done what I do for so long that I seldom even notice that I am white. I am comfortable around Black people. Skin color is irrelevant. I have also worked with Hispanics, and in fact started one of the first programs in this area to assist immigrants, mostly Spanish-speaking immigrants.
      I also know liberals. My mother and three of my four siblings are liberal. One of my brothers is an award winning journalist of very liberal, some might say radical, opinion and one of my sisters heads an environmentalist organization and my other sister, while not camping out, was a participant in the Occupy Nashville protest. Also, other extended family are also mix of liberals and conservatives. Also, while serving on the Metro Council, there were far more liberals in that body than conservatives.
      So, I know gay people, and "progressive" people, and young people, and Asian, Hispanic, and Black people. I bet my cocoon is not woven as tight as yours. You ought to get to know some conservatives.
      Thanks for reading and commenting.

    2. if what you say about work and early life is true then your worries about dependency make no sense at all. you should already know that all people are basically the same. if you didnt learn that then you didnt really know the people you worked with. were they really your friends or just coworkers? the only people i know that grew up poor and became conservatives are religious nuts like sarah palin, or religious nuts like ryan and akins. regarding me knowing conservatives you should know that all non whites in america are inherently bi cultural. they have to be to survive. ive spent my life studying so called conservatism. its fascinating. from opposing medicare, black rights, women rights, gay rights, religious rights, voter rights, on and on. its the majority that been culturally 'retarded'. sorry, but you know its true. no matter, its over now. you should now better than to repeat conservatice talking points about dependency. no one believes it anymore. the election proved that. plus, were all too busy working hard trying to raise our families. remember carl rove and all the conservative experts and fox news saying romney was going to win, even a landslide? all lies. no one believes the lies anymore, supply side, voter fraud, dependency, legitimate rape, etc, etc. from now on the truth, like nate silver, will be heard and believed not because i want it so (like carl rove and rush limbaugh) but because its just the truth. can you handle the truth? your choice my friend. or like us liberals like to say TG42050. to begin your journey from delusion to reality i suggest the following; Matthew 5:43-48
      dr john browne

    3. yes, im also a god fearing christian. but i love atheists too. hey, theyll find out the truth sooner or later.
      God aint going nowhere.
      dr browne
