Thursday, November 01, 2012

You Can Reach 20 Independent/Undecided Voters in a Battleground State

This sounds like a great way to reach independent undecided voters in the last days of this campaign. If they are like me, they probably are not answering their phone. I never answer calls from unknown numbers or calls identified as political. They are probably sick of commercials and commercials can't say much in a 30 seconds. Email can be very targeted and they appear personal. Mr.  Richard A. Viguerie is the "funding father" of the conservative movement. He was a pioneer in direct mail campaigning and excels in voter targeting. No one does it better.  I just send a contribution. Please contribute. Rod

For Just $1...
You Can Reach 20 Independent/Undecided Voters
in Battleground States With a
E-Mail Ad That Lays Out How
Dangerous Barack Obama Really Is to America.
Please Choose the Anti-Obama E-mail You'd Like to Mail Here >>>
Dear Fellow Conservative:
I have a proposition for you.

I have a way for you for just $1 to reach 20 independent/undecided voters with a hard-hitting advertisement via e-mail that lays out the facts on how radical and dangerous Barack Obama really is to America.

Because we are not connected with the Romney campaign, we can say things about Obama that Mitt Romney will never say.

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