Friday, December 28, 2012

Council to weigh in on voucher program, charter authorizer

City Paper, Steven Hale- The Metro Council will consider a resolution “opposing all state legislation” that would create a state voucher program or a state charter authorizer without state funds being granted to local school districts to cover the costs of such programs.

The non-binding memorializing resolution, sponsored by Councilman Steve Glover, would have no legislative effect, but will serve as a chance for the council to weigh in on two issues that appear to be quickly heading down the tracks of the state legislature. The council is scheduled to take up the resolution at its Jan. 8 meeting. (link)

My Comment: I hope the Council is not asleep at the wheel again when this comes up for a vote. A couple months ago the Council allowed a memorializing resolution to pass that stated global warming was a fact, that the Council approved of the EPA's regulating of CO2 (which Congress had never authorized), and urged vigorous enforcement of the EPA's arbitrary CO2 standard. The EPA has assumed authority to keep plants from opening or expanding, to mandate auto mileage standards and keep power plant from expanding and doing any number of things and our Council went on record approving of it. Later some members told me they really didn't feel that way but for one reason or the other did not vote "no."  

These memorializing resolutions do matter. Council should take them seriously.

After the local School Board three times turned down the Great Hearts Academy application, I think it is time to let the State be the entity that approves charter schools. Unfortunately, we have too many people in Metro who are more concerned with social engineering than they are excellence in education. Even if this resolution passes, it should not pass unanimously.

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