Thursday, December 06, 2012

Dear Red White and Food supporters,

It’s been a great couple of days for the Red White and Food campaign. As you may have seen in the Associated Press story that came out Sunday, Speaker Beth Harwell and Lt. Gov. Ron Ramsey have expressed their support for legislation to allow the sale of wine in retail food stores.

This story has shown up, not just in many statewide articles and TV broadcasts, but in media outlets as far away as Seattle! It was even on Bloomberg Businessweek’s website.

If you haven’t already, you can read The Tennessean’s article at|head. Also be sure to check out Tuesday’s Chattanooga Times Free Press editorial in support of wine in retail food stores:

We’re asking you to help continue this momentum: Please contact Speaker Harwell and Lt. Gov. Ramsey to thank them for their support of a bill that gives Tennesseans the opportunity to vote on wine in retail food stores. Just go to, fill in your contact information to personalize the messages and hit send.

Thanks for your continued support!

The Red White and Food Team

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