Thursday, December 06, 2012

More pictures and stories from "Just Say No" rally

Tennessee Eagle Forum Newsletter

Joined by several Republican legislators, about 300 tea party activists rallied at the state capitol...(Follow this link to see several pictues and Bobbie Patray's report)

For the Fox 17 video report follow this link. This has a good sample of the music, the speaches, and interviews with members of the crowd. This give a good flavor of the event.
About 250 activists from across the state turned out Wednesday for a rally at War Memorial Plaza to oppose plans to create a state-run health insurance exchange, a key part of the health care reform. Gov. Bill Haslam has not yet decided whether to create a Tennessee version of the online insurance marketplace or leave the task to the federal government. But tea party activists, many of whom have ardently opposed the law since it was proposed more than three years ago, said the decision ought to be simple.

Tea Party rallies against health insurance exchange

NASHVILLE, Tenn. - "Just Say No" was the loud and clear message sent to Governor Bill Haslam Wednesday by more than 200 people protesting the state's involvement in running a mandated health insurance exchange

It is interesting to note how the different reporters estimated the crowd. Channel two says 200 and Fox 17 says 500. 

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