Saturday, December 01, 2012

Public Hearing on BL2012-301

From: The Nashville Libertarian Party Meetup Group

Please come and speak against BL2012-301.  This is very bad legislation.

Vastland Companies owns a 4.5-acre parcel in Nashboro Village.  They purchased the land as a part of undeveloped parcels in Nashboro Village about 15 years ago.   Vastland Companies has built roughly 750 housing units under the existing PUD plan.  The Metro Planning Commission found the existing PUD should continue to be implemented as it was adopted.

BL2012-301 seeks to take away the property rights of our owners and investors without any offer of compensation.  This bill would overrule the Planning Commission and its professional staff, along with the entire process of orderly, planned development that allows for quality growth in Nashville.  Adoption of BL2012-301 will cost a Nashville business hundreds and hundreds of thousands of dollars. BL2012-301 also sends a message to Nashville's development community that developers cannot count on this Council and our city to protect private property rights, even when a developer plays by the rules, meets all the city's requirements and does its best to help create a better community.  BL2012-301 violates the Planning Commission’s own rules and was unanimously disapproved by the planning commission.

Vastland Companies has a pending offer on this property for a three-story development containing 96 units.  This is a 50% reduction in the height that is currently allowed and a one-third reduction in the number of allowable units.  Yet this offer was rejected by Councilwoman Johnson and the other supporters of BL2012-301.    Vastland Companies has even offered to sell the property to the city or homeowners' association at fair market value.  If they have better ideas for how to develop the property Vastland Companies is open to that option.  They have had no offers close to market value.

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