Wednesday, December 05, 2012

Report on the 12/04/12 Metro Council Meeting: HCA gets deal, oppositiion to down zoning

HCA gets the Deal, Private property rights advocates speak against down zoning,

Check back for a summary, the location in the video to see the highlights of the meeting, and my commentary. 

From the Tennessean:
HCA gets $66M tax break for midtown Nashville towers 

by Joey Garrison,12-5-2012, The Tennessean- With only one dissenting vote, the Metro Council gave final approval Tuesday for a $66 million incentive package to healthcare giant HCA, paving the way for two soaring headquarters midtown high-rises and 1,750 new jobs in Davidson County. (read more)

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1 comment:

  1. Read the NY Times editorial about state/local tax breaks for corporations. It is a follow-up to a three-part investigative report on the same.

    "state and local governments have lavished millions of dollars in tax breaks on corporate giants like Samsung and the Big Three automakers — even as they faced budget deficits and were forced to cut spending on critical services."
