Monday, December 03, 2012

Report on the 12/09/2012 Budget and Finance Committee Meeting

This meeting is 42 minutes long. One learns a lot more about the important issues facing the city by watching the B&F committee meeting than they do by watching the council meeting.

RESOLUTION NO. RS2012-513 settles a claim against metro brought by Jeanette Porter, a former assistant director of the human resources division of the Sheriffs Department. Apparently she was retaliated against for reporting wrong doing by the Sheriff's office. To read the Tennessean's reporting on this event, follow this link. Council member Megan Barry ask what policies are in place so in the future employees are not punished for reporting wrong doing. Sheriff Hall explains how this incident happened. (see the discussion at 4:05)

Duane Dominy's bill, BILL NO. BL2012-293, which would require the fair board to seek request for information (RFI) to gauge interest from the private sector regarding the future operation of the fairgrounds property is deferred one meeting at the request of the sponsor. (See 26:22 for discussion.) Dominy says he is deferring to give the the fair board a chance to do this on their own rather than it being mandated by the Council. Council Member Moore speaks against the bill despite it being deferred.

The employee buy-out program is discussed starting at 28:30.

Watch Charlie Tygerd. He is almost always the member of the B&F who asks the most questions and they are good question. He is a real asset to the Council.  

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