Sunday, December 02, 2012

Ron Ramsey Beth Harwell support wine sales in supermarkets

Ron Ramsey Beth Harwell support wine sales in supermarkets | The ...
The top two Republicans in the Tennessee General Assembly support allowing the sale of wine in supermarkets, and the influx of new GOP lawmakers is giving ...

My Comment: Maybe, finally, we will get wine in grocery stores. It is about time. Let us start with wine in grocery stores, then completely revamp Tennessee's antiquated, price-fixing, protectionist, anti-competitive liquor and beer laws. 

Let liquor stores buy directly from producers rather than making them purchase from wholesalers, allow owners of a liquor store to own more than one store, reduce Tennessee's highest in the nation tax on breweries, allow wine tastings in liquor stores and grocery stores, permit liquor stores to sell corkscrews, and legalize consumer internet purchase of out-of-state wine directly from the winery delivered to your home by UPS. 

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