Friday, December 14, 2012

See the Fairgrounds "Highest and Best Future Use Study" prepared by the Counsultant

Please follow this link, for the Markin Consulting Group's "Highest and Best Future Use Study."  You can read the Agenda of the next meeting of the Fair Board, the five-page memo on the highest and best use study, and view the study power point presentation.

Please be aware that those wanting to sell off the fair grounds are  greasing the skids to make that happen. Many people think the public has spoken and the future of the fairgrounds is secure. Not so. All that has changed is that to dispose of the fairgrounds takes a 2/3rds vote of the Council rather than a simple majority. Those wanted to save the fairgrounds need to continue to be informed and vigilant.

The next Fair Board Meeting will be a Special Called Meeting on December 18th at 8:00 a.m. in the Administration Office Board Room. A discussion of Councilman Dominy’s RFI Legislation is on the agenda of that meeting.

It is important that the Fair Board issue a Request for Information. An RFI would simply allow private interest to present their own proposals for enhancing the fairgrounds while preserving current uses. The consultants report is giving the Board a choice between costly preservation or selling off the fairgrounds and redeveloping the site as mixed use. The Fair Board needs to hear other proposals.

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