Friday, December 14, 2012

Some NES employees need to go to jail, a lot ought to lose their job.

Ken Jakes
From Ken Jakes... Brother and Sister Patriots, Please watch Channel 5 @6.00 p.m. regarding NES. This is just the tip of the iceberg and already Torry Johnson ( District Attorney ) says there will be no criminal charges. HOW ON EARTH CAN THERE BE NO CRIMINAL CHARGES. We can not let this be swept under the table as usual. Please help me contact the entire Council and State Representatives so they will know the people are upset. Review the Comptroller's findings and ask yourself if there was CRIMINAL ACTIONS. Clear is Clear to the people who's public funds are being misused, the only cloudy issue is with Torry Johnson. | Nashville News, Weather

By Phil Williams
Chief Investigative Reporter

NASHVILLE, Tenn. -- Nashville Electric Service purchased more than $17 million in cable under a no-bid contract, while an NES vice president used utility accounts to buy and sell items on eBay and Amazon, a new state audit concludes.(link)

My Comment: This story broke due to the hard work of citizen-activist Ken Jakes.  Using freedom of information request to gain access, he spent hour upon hour poring over NES records, emails, and invoices to expose this wrong doing on the part of  NES. Ken is rightly incensed that what clearly appears to be matter of criminality is being brushed aside by Tory Johnson.  

Surely people at NES should know it is not appropriate to purchase personal items on Amazon with company credit cards.  That is theft. It should be treated as a such. Writing specs in such a way that only one company can bid on them ought to be a crime if it is not.  Charging alcoholic beverages on the company credit card is clearly wrong. Some people ought to go to jail and a lot of people ought to lose theri job and top management needs to resign.

The next time you hear of some little old lady getting her electricity cut off, think about the kickbacks that NES chiefs got in the form of room nights and expensive tickets to shows at Oprtyland Hotel and all of the free services NES gave Opryland.  

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