Wednesday, December 19, 2012

What happened in the Council on 12-18-2012

  • Council passes on second reading a plan to reduce the insurance subsidy for future former council members.
  • Voluntary retirement buy-out for Metro employees passes.
  • Council voted to purchase 600 acre Stones River property for a park.
  • Council member Karen Johnson's attempt to down zone a piece of property in Nashboro village fails.
Check back for video with notation of highlights and commentary.

Council health insurance change moves ahead

The Tennessean, Dec 18, 2012- A plan to dramatically scale back the controversial lifetime health insurance benefit for Metro Council members won preliminary approval Tuesday but could face challenges when it goes up for a final vote next month.
Council approves Metro employee buyout program on final reading

City Paper, by Steven Hale, Wednesday, December 19, 2012- The Metro Council gave quick final approval to a buyout program for Metro workers, in what was an otherwise relatively uneventful meeting Tuesday night. The council’s final meeting of the year began with a moment of silence for the victims of last Friday’s elementary school massacre in Newtown, Conn. Councilman Sean McGuire led a prayer for the victims families.

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