Thursday, December 06, 2012

Who will Chair the State Democratic Party?

Below are the candidates:

Jane Hampton Bowen 
Age: 45
Resume: political liaison for the Chattanooga Area Labor Council

Dave Garrison
Age: 33
Resume: attorney at Barrett Johnston, party treasurer

Sherry Jones
Age: 65
Resume: represents the 59th House District in Antioch

Wade Munday
Age: 30
Resume: program specialist at National Health Care for the Homeless Council; former party spokesman

Ben Smith
Age: 31
Resume: attorney with DHPM law firm

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1 comment:

  1. It's like asking who wants to be Captain of the Titanic AFTER it sank. Frankly, if the Democrats were smart they'd recognize that Tennessee is a Conservative state and wants Conservative politicians. Separate themselves from the corrupt and evil national party, which is nothing more than a fully-realized Communist-Fascist organization, and recruit candidates more Conservative than establishment Republicans. Do that and they'll start to win again. But keep up with the failed national model and all they'll be able to elect are urban White union thugs, elite utopian fascists and corrupt Black racist plantation overseers. That'll be good for less than 20% of elected offices.

    I say this because it's never good for a single party to completely dominate a state. Even with the so-called "good" party in power, they can just as quickly settle into statism and corruption. With a second party that reflects the views of Tennesseans (which the Dems do not), they can each hold the other one to account and to carry out their promises. Poland is a good example of this. Both of their main parties are Conservative. So my advice to Democrats, turn your party right and you won't go wrong.

    ~~The Disgruntled Conservative
