Saturday, March 24, 2012

Metro Council rubber stamps another Karl Dean property tax giveaway to a big corporation

 From Enclave

Remember this when the Mayor proposes a property tax increase on regular Nashvillians the next time his budget comes before Metro Council for approval; the next time he defends that tax increase by saying, "We have no other choice if we want to fund Metro services":
Metro Council rubber stamps another Karl Dean property tax giveaway to a big corporation

My Comment: I agree. We are giving away the store and taxpayers will pay with a tax increase.

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Steve Gill at Green Hills Breakfastl: Anti-income tax horn honkers led to Tea Party activists

 From Dru's Blog
Conservative celebrity Steve Gill joined the Green Hills Conservatives for a breakfast summit March 24.

“The conservative movement now has more people who are communicating and using the new media in ways that give us more opportunity to get information that with the traditional media that wasn’t available,” he told about 30 Republicans over world-famous  Swett’s Restaurant  cuisine including those biscuits. Steve Gill: Anti-income tax horn honkers led to Tea Party activists « Dru's Blog

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Lonnie Spivak launches a campaign for more West Nashville early voting sites « Dru's Blog

From Dru's Blog

Republican activist Lonnie Spivak is campaigning for more early voting site in West Nashville and Bellevue in particular.

He is urging everyone to write the Metro Council and Election Commission asking for Bellevue and others in West Nashville  ”to have the same convenience to vote as everyone else.”
Lonnie Spivak launches a campaign for more West Nashville early voting sites « Dru's Blog

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Stand up for Religious Freedom: Sign the petition.

If you haven’t already, please go to this website and sign the petition to stand up for our religious freedoms.
The website is

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Agenda 21 Alert: no parking on the front yard and Black bears

Is this part of Agenda 21?
La Vergne to outlaw parking on front-yard grass

and this?
Black bears spread across Tennessee 

No one has told me this is part of the Agenda 21 conspiracy, but look at it: La Vergne is in the process of taking away the right to park cars in your front yard and the state is allowing the expansion of wild bears into areas occupied by people.  Is this favoring nature over people?  Is it an attack on the American way of life?  Is it an attempt to get people to give up their cars?

After reading about the case in Murfressboro which was exposed as part of Agenda 21, I think I am getting pretty good at spotting Agenda 21 policies. In Murfressboro, a guy changes the use of a piece of commercial property from a fencing company to a restaurant and when he does so he is told by city officials that he will have to pave the parking lot and have more parking spaces.  This was offered by Rep. Rick Womick as an example of how our property rights are being taken away as part to the Agenda 21 UN conspiracy.

I figure if that is part of Agenda 21, then the two examples I spotted today must be part of Agenda 21.  If there are any of the 72 state representative who voted for House Joint Resolution 587, which denounced Agenda 21, or any John Birch Society members or other experts on Agenda 21 who could tell me it the two items I have listed are part of the Agenda 21 conspiracy, I would appreciate it.

I have started reading Agenda 21, but  have only read the first two chapters of the 40 chapter study and have not gotten to the scary parts yet.  I will continue reading, but it is really, really boring.

Agenda 21 is being exposed everywhere and these are some of the things that others have alleged are part of the Agenda 21 policies: outcome based education, sustainable agriculture, community assets inventory,  traffic roundabouts, greenways, bikeways, mass transit, conservation easements, General Land use Plans, regional planning commissions,  neighborhood alliance organizations, smart growth, smart meters, community oriented policing, opposition to suburban sprawl, opposition to road expansions, requirements that parking lots be paved, and  requirements that commercial enterprises have a minimum number of parking spaces. 

Before I add "banning parking in front yards" and "Black bear population expansions" to the above list, I would like for some expert to tell me that I really am correct and these things are also part to the Agenda 21 conspiracy.

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Friday, March 23, 2012

Rally for Religious Liberty denounces the "Rape of the Soul."

Rally for Religious Freedom, Nashville
A crowd of about 500 to 700 gathered on the south steps of the Capitol today for a noon rally for religious liberty. I arrived late and missed earlier remarks but as I was walking across the Memorial Plaza, Carol Swain, a Professor of Law and Political Science at Vanderbilt University, was wrapping up her remarks, denouncing the trend across the nation of curtailing religious freedom on college campuses.

 Recently, Vanderbilt University placed five longtime extracurricular religious groups on "provisional status" — jeopardizing their continued role on campus — because these groups required their leaders to share the groups' core religious beliefs. In so doing, the University abandoned its long tradition of religious tolerance, forcing the groups into adopting moral viewpoints contrary to thousands of years of Judeo-Christian teaching. This new policy of religious intolerance is being justified in the name of "diversity."  Professor Swain has been a champion for religious liberty on Vanderbilt campus.

Richard Land
Richard Land President of The Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention gave a rousing speech denouncing the Obama administration for forcing the Catholic Church to provide contraception coverage to women who are employed by Church entities. He said that President Obama had offered to make accommodation to the Church. “Who do they think they are,“ he rhetorically asked to enthusiastic applause. "It is not up to the government to grant concessions," he explained. “The restrictions in the First Amendment are on the government; not the people,” he said. He quoted Roger Williams saying that when government forces one to violate their conscience it is, “rape of the soul.”

The rally was a testimony to the ecumenical nature of the fight for religious liberty. I remember a time when Catholics and Baptist would not have occupied the same stage. Several nuns were in the audience and several people attending the rally held signs which would indicate they were Catholic. Other speakers and a singer, were probably protestants but their religious affiliation was not mentioned. The closing prayer was by a Lutheran minister.

I missed her remarks if she spoke, but on the stage was Bobbie Patray of Tennessee Eagle Forum. I did not get her name, but a lady delivered a  beautiful and emotional a cappella rendition of "Glory, Glory, Hallelujah."

People leaving the rally for Religious Liberty
This was a great event. Like never before in recent history, the government and secular institutions are waging war on people of faith. All of us who cherish liberty must come to the defense of those whose religious liberty is under attack.

For other coverage of this event see below:

Hundreds Attend Nashville ‘Rally For Religious Freedom'

Rally for Religious Freedom today at Capitol

Crowd gathers for religious freedom rally at Capitol Hill

  video coverage of today's rally Top Stories - Protesters Call for Political Revival at State Capitol

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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Update: What happened at the March 20th council meeting


This was a pretty boring meeting. There was no soaring rhetoric, or sharp exchanges and nothing in the video is worth watching, but here it is. Below is a summary of the most important actions of the Council at this meeting. 

Ordinance No. BL2012-118 which would provide property tax abatement for the Gaylord-Dollywood snow-water park, passed first reading without discussion. Since this bill has been talked about so much, I thought someone would object on first reading, although that is not normal done.

ORDINANCE NO. BL2011-83 by Councilman Stanley on second reading which would allow Metro water services to extend water lines to residential properties currently served by private wells was withdrawn, but Councilman Stanley promised to bring it back in a new form. 

ORDINANCE NO. BL2012-110  on second reading which would permit the electronic filing of annual disclosure statements and benefits reporting statements passed without discussion. This was a "good government" bill that deserved to pass.

ORDINANCE NO. BL2012-115 on second reading which would prohibit smoking on hospital grounds and within the public right-of-way in the vicinity of hospital entrances passed by voice vote. This bill expands the smoking ban on public property from 50 feet from a hospital entrance to 200 feet from a hospital entrance. Only Councilman Doug Pardue raised questions but did not make a strong argument. I am disappointed. This was an opportunity for a conservative council member to make a principled argument against government expansion.

Ordinance BL2012-88 and Ordinance BL2012-92, both of which concerned private property rights and the power of government to regulate private property passed without discussion. These were good bills that deserved to pass. I thought they might have proved controversial. What do I know?

Ordinance BL2012-103 by Council Member Dominy on third reading  was the controversial bill that would have permitted an asphalt plant to be built in Antioch. The bill was deferred indefinitely at the sponsors request.

An ordinance naming the General Sessions Courtroom 1A located in the Justice A.A. Birch Building in honor of Judge Leon Ruben passed.

A memorializing resolution requesting the Civil Service Commission not require convicted felons to reveal they are convicted felons when they apply for Metro jobs passed.

A special late memorializing resolution which was push back against the state's attempt to regulate local government's authority passed. It was a weakly worded resolution which expressed opposition to unfunded mandates from the state. Robert Duvall made the point that all of the authority a local government has is authority granted by the State. Who can be against unfunded mandates? I understand what was behind this bill, but since it was such a weakly worded bill, I see no harm in letting it pass by voice vote.

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Haslam and Republicans move to repeal the "death" tax

This afternoon, the death tax bill was amended to fully repeal the tax by 2016. It passed the House Finance Subcommittee by unanimous voice vote and now goes to the full Finance Committee, and if it passes there, it will go on to a vote by the full House in the coming weeks. This amendment to completely repeal the death tax had the support of the Governor.

 "We know this tax drives people, capital and jobs out of the state. We know this tax splits up family farms that have been in the family for generations,” said House Speaker Beth Harwell.

"The death tax does nothing but punish small businessmen and farmers building for the next generation. Unlike Washington, Tennessee plans for the future. I look forward to making sure the death tax meets the reaper," said Lt. Governor Ron Ramsey.

The death tax is one of those taxes that actually decreases revenue to the state. With the repeal of the death tax, it is likely that more people will choose to retire in Tennessee and economic growth should outpace any lost revenue that was generated by the tax.

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Green Hills Breakfast Summit presents Steve Gill

Rise & Shine, Join Your Fellow GOP'ersGREEN HILLS BREAKFAST SUMMIT

Saturday, March 24, 2012
Swett's - Green Hills -
2209 Abbott Martin Rd
Breakfast begins at
8:15 am--Meeting at 9 am (sharp) Bring $8.75 Cash To Cover Everything
 Event Chairmen - Peter and Gail VoyseyKathleen Starnes, DCRP Chairman
This event sponsored by the
Davidson County Republican Party

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2012 Libertarian Party of Tennessee State Convention

The 2012 Libertarian Party of Tennessee Annual State Convention will be held in Nashville
on Saturday, March 24, 2012.

Location: DoubleTree Suites by Hilton Nashville Airport
2424 Atrium Way, Nashville, TN 37214, (615) 324‐3408
Event Registration:
$35 Standard Registration, $30 Student Registration, $40 Pay at the Door
For more info visit the LPTN website.

Disclaimer: From time to time A Disgruntled Republican may post announcements of interest to the conservative, libertarian, or greater community. Such announcements are posted as a public service to spread awareness and do not necessarily constitute an endorsement.

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CBO Report: 'Obamacare' More Costly than Promised

Nancy Pelosi said Congress had to pass Obamacare to know what was in it.  Almost two year later we are beginning to know more about what is in it and what it will really do. Now we know:

  • The notion that Americans have the option to stick with their health care plans has proven false.
  • Up to 20 million people could actually lose their employer-provided health insurance. 
  • Instead of cutting a family's insurance premiums by $2500,  health insurance premiums are actually expected to increase by 10 to 13 percent.
  • Instead of reducing the deficit as promised, it will add $54 billion to the deficit in the first 10 years.

Read more about it here and see the below link to the CBO Report for a more detailed report on the likely impact of Obamacare.
 Estimates of the Effects of the Affordable Care Act on the Number of People Obtaining Employment-Based Health Insurance

For additional bad news about how Obamacare will raise taxes, restrict the use of Health Saving Accounts, penalize marriage, restricts religious liberty and expands government, read this: The 10 Terrible Provisions of Obamacare You May Not Have Heard Of.

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Thank you Walmart

The following was sent from Councilman Tony Tenpenny

Good Morning everyone,
I wanted to let everyone know of the generous charitable contributions the new Wal mart Store that moved in our district on Powell Ave have given to some of our great organizations in and around our district.
All of the following organizations received $3,000.00;

  • Wright Middle School,
  • Boys and Girls Club,
  • Junior Achievement (located on Powell Ave),
  • Nashville Rescue Mission,
  • Ingram Cancer Center at Vanderbilt.

A big Thank You goes out to Walmart for these donations and I look forward to working with Wal Mart on future projects in our district.

Tony Tenpenny
16th District Councilman
It is fashionable among elites and liberals to bash Walmart. I like Walmart and think Walmart is good for the American consumer. I am pleased to see a Walmart open in the Berry Hill neighborhood, not far from where I live and work.  I probably won't visit more than once a year however as I just hate to shop, but it will be nice to have a convenient Walmart  in case I need it.

Thank you Walmart for these generous gifts to these fine organizations in our community.

Thank you Councilman Tenpenny for publicizing Walmart's generosity.

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Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Conservative Fusion Book Club meeting Wed. 3/21/2012

message from Gene Wisdom

Fellow conservative thinkers, I just want to remind you of our Meetup on Wednesday night, 3/21/2012.  The topic is the book, The Conservative Intellectual Movement in America Since 1945 by George H. Nash.  

As noted in the announcement for the first Meetup about this book it is the definitive history of conservative thought and its mix of, primarily, traditionalists and libertarians, differences that we see played today in the ideas at play in the Republican Presidential nomination battle.  Even if you haven't read the book, join us for what will surely be a lively discussion of those strands of thought.  It is the differences and commonalities of those disparate elements that is itself the basis for this Meetup group and its name.  Please go to for more information and to RSVP.  We hope to see you there!

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Monday, March 19, 2012

Agenda 21 Alert: paving parking lots may be part of the UN conspiracy.

In this story, a guy changes the use of a piece of commercial property from a fencing company to a restaurant. When he does so he is told by city officials that he will have to pave the parking lot and have more parking spaces. The business owner is appealing to the Board of Zoning appeal. Is this an example of how our property rights are being taken away as part to the Agenda 21 UN conspiracy or is this simply an appropriate exercise of government planning, zoning and codes authority?

 Business owner angry Womick cited store as example of UN Agenda 21
MURFREESBORO — The owner of Papa’s Butts and BBQ Hot Sauce Store said Friday he is “livid” over Rep. Rick Womick using his restaurant as an example of government overreach to pass a resolution rejecting United Nations Agenda 21.

Dan Wilson, who is preparing to seek a parking lot variance from the city’s Board of Zoning Appeals for his business at 2910 Old Fort Parkway, said he is working with city officials to solve the matter and was upset that Womick mentioned his business during debate Thursday on the House floor in Nashville.  read more

Maybe there really is something to fear from Agenda 21; I still plan to read it and reach a conclusion or let someone who has read it convince me I should be alarmed.  In the meantime however, things like this does not help the cause. This sounds like paranoia at work. I have done a lot of internet search on the topic of Agenda 21 and all of these are things listed below are being denounced somewhere by someone as part of the conspiracy: 
  • outcome based education
  • sustainable agriculture
  • Community assets inventory
  • Traffic Roundabouts
  • greenways and bikeways
  • conservation easements
  • General Land use Plans
  • Neighborhood alliance organizations
  • Smart growth
  • Smart Meters
  • Community oriented policing
  • opposition to suburban sprawl
  • opposition to road expansions

To this list, I am now going to add "requirements that parking lots be paved" and "requirements that adequate parking spaces be provided." 

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